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  • 당직자선거 당선자 인사 및 당원상견례 (2017.07.14)

당선자 인사 및 당원 상견례가 있었습니다.
드디어 충주농협 용산지점에 근무하는 이천흠 당원님이 모임에 처음 나오셨고,
제천, 단양지역에서 활동하다가 음성(감곡면)으로 이사간 장기석 당원님은
충주시위원회에서 진행할 팟케스트 방송과 관련하여 충북 북부지역인 제천, 단양지역의
현안까지 함께 다뤄보자는 의견을 표하고자 함께 하셨습니다.
오늘 두분의 귀인(이천흠, 장기석 당원)이 합류했습니다.  뜻깊은 날입니다.
이현석 위원장님은 인복이 있군요. ^^
(의견이나 문의사항을 자유롭게 남겨주세요.)
참여댓글 (8)
  • 배병주
    2017.07.15 00:42:29
    멋집니다. 충주시 지역위 화이팅!!!
  • 김아진
    2019.09.08 02:12:36

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  • 강성민
    2019.09.09 01:47:29

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  • 진이영
    2019.09.09 19:41:57

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    〔 SNC245。⊂◐Μ 〕 {BBR245。⊂◐Μ}

    ∏ㄱㅏ입 ⊂ODE : ca77∏ 【ㄱㅏ입 ⊂ODE : ca77】

  • 진이영
    2019.09.11 04:10:58

    첫 10% 재 10% 파격이벤트 롤링콤프 www.CAN99 , XYZ

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    【www.CLICK-MT, xyz 】 「유머게시판 」

    〔 SNC245。⊂◐Μ 〕 {BBR245。⊂◐Μ}

    ∏ㄱㅏ입 ⊂ODE : ca77∏ 【ㄱㅏ입 ⊂ODE : ca77】

  • Anastasia
    2020.09.17 17:48:07
  • 스포츠토토사이트
    2022.07.18 18:14:28
    Well explained, this is something I’m looking into and noticed a few competitors have acquired some good links just by commenting. I think it’s important to gain links only from sources relevant to your websites as to stay safe on the white hat side of things.
    This post is really insightful, it has helped me understand so many things. It’s very important for me to tell you these blog commenting techniques. I worked on this technique and I got very good results. So, Thank You Sir…
  • 바카라사이트
    2022.07.18 18:14:48
    Thanks for posting such an informative article. Rarely on internet, one comes across informative ones such as this! I am a newbie who is trying my hand in SEO. I was reading various blogging tutorial sites, but couldn’t find what I want anywhere! kudos to the team behind this blog!
    Hey Amit, great article, blog commenting is still an incredible way to get good backlinks and also connect with people who should be reading your content. Thanks for sharing!