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  • <초록하는 언니들> 독서모임에 오세요~

안녕하세요, 정의당 고양시 소모임 <초록하는 언니들>에서 독서모임을 엽니다. 성평등/여성주의/에코페미니즘에 관심이 있거나 함께 알아가고 싶은 분들은 이번에 동네에서 책을 통해 만나봐요! 

페미니즘은 양비론이나 이분법이 아니라 '라이프스타일'입니다. 라이프스타일은 평생 가져가야 할 삶의 태도이자 세상을 보는 관점입니다. 다시 말해 누구와 무엇을 모색하며, 어떤 희망과 목적을 갖기 위해서 내 에너지를 생성하고 재분배할 것인가에 대한 윤리적 입장입니다. 그리고 무엇이 중요한 일 기쁜 일인지에 대한 '참조 체계'를 바꿔내는 과정입니다. - 본문 중에서  

* 대상 : 동네에서 함께 알아가고 싶은 당원 
* 함께 이야기 나눌 책 : 페미니스트 라이프스타일 / 김현미 지음 
* 일시 : 2023. 8. 19. 저녁 7시 30분
* 장소 : 나무와숲국어(일산서구 대산로 113 백마프라자)
* 신청하기 : forms.gle/t6UmrNEYsVp1go7n9

(의견이나 문의사항을 자유롭게 남겨주세요.)
참여댓글 (2)
  • FAN
    2023.12.15 17:19:20
    ?????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????????????????

    ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????
    “??????????????????? ??????????????????????? ????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?”

    out of curiosity He walked over and asked the mahout that was in the area. “Why does the elephant just stand there? Don't you plan to run away?"

    The mahout then replied: “When they were still young. It was tied with the same size rope. And at his age it was considered tight enough. Even as they grew older, this thin rope still bound their legs. causing them to still not think of running away Because their hearts already believed That this thin rope makes it impossible to escape anywhere.”

    The only reason why the elephant didn't run away That is, the heart believes that there is no way it can be. that it can escape

    Thought: It doesn't matter how many problems in this world hold you back. Move forward with confidence that what you want to do is possible. Belief will make you successful. And belief is the most important part in achieving goals.
  • Thor Flash
    2023.12.15 17:23:07
    Earning money daily from playing slots The most classic method in the online world.
    Earning money daily from playing online slots It's not just trying to compete with luck. But it is a combination of fun and good strategy to increase your chances of winning. pg slot online entertainment pg slot.to among the craft of various online gambling games. Playing slots has changed the perspective of people looking for a quick side income. With high prizes and simple gameplay. There are many options to increase the fun and your chances of winning, so in this article we will explore ways to turn playing slots into a real daily earning activity. And make you familiar with both techniques and strategies that will make you a successful gambler in the world of online slots.
    1. Understanding slot games
    It is important to start by understanding the rules of slot games. Start by studying the paytable to know the symbols and prizes the game has to offer. Including any special functions that may be available in that game, such as Scatter and Wild Symbols, which may affect your winnings.
    2. Manage your budget
    before starting to play You should manage the budget you want to invest in playing slots. It is advisable to determine the amount of money you are ready to risk and without affecting your daily well-being.
    3. Choose the slots that suit you.
    Choosing a slot game that suits your playing style is important. If you like a winning pattern that indicates frequent winnings You should choose slots with low volatility, but if you want a challenge and have a chance of winning a lot, you should choose high volatility.
    4. Offer bonuses and promotions
    Many gambling sites offer bonuses and promotions that can increase the value of your play, such as a welcome bonus, which is often paired with your first deposit. Pay attention and take advantage of promotions that are right for you.
    5. Use a betting strategy
    Using a betting strategy can help increase your chances of winning. Whether it is increasing or decreasing bets depending on the situation. It is best to consider a strategy that suits the game conditions and the level of risk you are prepared to accept.
    6. Play mindfully
    Finally, it should be remembered that playing slots should be a fun activity and one should not lose one's sanity. There is a time limit for playing and care must be taken not to get stuck in the floating pool at all times in the game. Whether you win or lose There should always be self-control.
    7. Free trial
    Before betting with real money It is always a good idea to take the opportunity that gambling sites often offer for free trials first. This is a great opportunity to test the game. Find a strategy that works for you and understand the winning patterns that the game offers.
    8. Know gambling websites
    Choose a website that is trustworthy and has adequate security checks. Choosing a website that has a strong player base and is marked by a gambling accreditation agency is very important. To ensure that you play in a safe and fair environment.
    9. Follow news and updates
    Online slot games often have updates and changes in the game system. It is worth following the news and updates from your game operator so as not to miss the opportunity to receive bonuses or interesting plays.
    10. Don't put yourself in situations you can't control.
    Gambling can lead to uncontrollable situations. If you feel like you're losing control or have a gambling problem It is best to turn to organizations that have experience in helping people with gambling problems.
    Earning daily money playing online slots is both fun and challenging. But it should be remembered that it is an activity that must be done consciously and responsibly. With both knowledge and appropriate strategies You may find playing online slots an attractive alternative to making your daily money.